Expensive vinyl rig - still not performing ;-

Hi Folks:
I purchased a vinyl rig about four months ago comprising a Teres 135 turntable kit, an Origin Live Silver tonearm and a Shelter 501MkII Low Output MC Cartridge. I'm using a Supratek Syrah phono stage section.

I'm confident that each of the componets is very respectable and should work well with each other, but something is not working right - the sound is at a lower par compared to my CD player (YBA CD1a). The soundstage is weaker, less airy, there is some apparent sibilence with vocals, and complex passages tend to be rended in a somewhat muddled fashion. Overall, I'm confident that something is wrong. In the absense of my ability to make comparisons with other components to try and identify the weak point, I'm kind of at a loss. I've tried changing vta, tracking force etc but such tweaking is not the issue really. Overall, I'd be really keen to lend my table to a vinyl nut with some good components to compare it to and so identify what's wrong, or have someone come to my house and maybe determine the issue. I'm having my Shelter repaired/touched up due to another issue, but upon it's return, I'm keen to pursue any suggestions any of you may have. (I'm in Los Altos, Ca, in Silicon Valley). I kind of took the plunge from CD into the vinyl realm with nothing but faith that I would see the light (and it's still dark so far, alas) Thanks in advance for any suggestions you have!!!!
Hey, John, I was just on the Teres forum, and it appears that some folks don't have the black washer in the right place when using the clamp. The black washer is placed onto the spindle first and stays there. The records are placed on top of this washer to make the clamp work properly. If you don't have this washer it the right place, it will cause the record to not be properly coupled with the platter when you have the clamp tightened down. I don't know if you have this in the right place or not, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
I have one of the early 135 kits (actually before it had that name). It is awesome but requires great care in setup. There are few "commercial" decks out there that are gonna better it and if they do, will be waaay more expensive than the Teres.

Check here for mine

Please get in touch as to discuss here is way too difficult.

Not every Analog combination has to sound better than a CD Player, maybe it is ok and your CD is better.
Another point is, does your phono preamp has the right setting for the Shelter ?
Hi Folks:
Thanks so much for all the pointers. Yes, I've looked at pretty much every issue above (VTA, distance to spindle,leveling, tracking force, cartridge loading, positioning of cartridge, wiring etc), and I think it's really something faulty rather than more tweaking. Although, my current set up has the turntable quite high (on the top of a five shelfh rack),and while level, is likley not very rigid. With so much stuff in my room, it's proven difficult to get better positioning of the table. I think that placement, while important, wouldn't really make the improvement I think I should hear though - I think it's something else. Anyway, once I get my Shelter back, I'll let you know how things go.

Tek2000 - many thnanks for offering to meet up to troubleshoot. Yes, that would be great. I'll be in touch when I get Shelter back. I'd like to see what others may think of my system too (apart from the YBA, Teres and Supratek, I have Audio Physic Virgo MkII speakers, Blue Circle BC2 hybrid monoblocks with FIM Gold Power Cords, other cabling is 47Labs OTA Sakura throughout). The Supratek really is a gem, by the way - it killed the Sonic Frontiers Line 3 I had, which I was happy with till the Supratek came along. I can't wait to see what Mick builds next. Cheers.
You'll need to register but overall you'll recieve knowledgeable tips from not only people who have these tables but also from those who actually developed the thing. IMHO your best bet.

I agree something isn't right with your setup or you wouldn't be able to make a comparison to cd.

Trust me, there is hope.