Experience with Metrum Octave DAC

Stanwal, I see you have one in the pipeline, any news?
Bugredmachine - Martin Colloms from hifi critic tested Metrum with his vintage Meridian transport, and it still sounded very good.

It is not that it will sound 'bad' or any worse than other DACs in this price range when using with ordinary transport. But the sound quality you get from this DAC is so high, it is so transparent, that it imidiately shows improvements in transport quality.
I plan to purchase the octave with use with the squeezebox and I'm wondering if anyone compared the sound quality using coax cable vs optical cable. Also does either cable require a re-clocker or is that just for USB connections?

Thanks, Ron
Ronrags - I have used the Metrum with both coax and optical and I'd say they sound very similar. Due to the variables involved (cables, transport output), it's difficult to make a precise comparison, but the two Metrum inputs are approximately equal in quality.
Jult52, thanks for your response. Concerning reclocking, is this a variable with either input?