Experience with the new Avantgarde Duo Omega

I currently own a pair of Duos that I am very pleased with. However, there is a new Duo Omega version available (a kit can be retrofitted to the non-Omega version). Does anyone have experience or observations with the new Omega version? The upgrade kit can be user installed and is not inexpensive. Thank you for your thoughts.
Hey Triode, hi. Wondering what the rest of your system is. What preamp and amp are you using? Thank you kindly.
Tubes108: my pre is Cary SLP-98L with oil caps and direct coupling, with some groovy NOS Tung-Sol black glass round plate 6SN7s, and my new amps - the single most amazing piece of electronics I've ever "heard" - are Lamm ML2 monoblocks. Just retubed the Lamms (including NOS Tele 12AX7 smoothplates) and I'm in heaven. The system literally astounds me every day...
For anyone interested, there's a review on 6moons now, which goes into great detail on the Omega installation. Their sonic findings closely parallel my own.