Favorite SACD's

What are your favorites? there are not many out there and they tend to a be a little pricey so I don't randomly buy them like I do regular CD's. Thanks for any insight, Tim the Tire Guy.
I waffle between Mingus Ah Um, Schubert Ninth Szell/Cleveland, and McCoy-Tyner. Oh, and the Wispelway Tchaikovsky and then there's the Dvorak Eighth Szell and although the recording of the Gabrielli with the Cleve and Philly winds isn't that good the performances are wonderful and the Midori Mozart is glorious and Redbook sounds better on this player, too.
Almost everything named I also have on CD and LP and the SACD's, whether DSD or re-masters sound like a third medium. Not too hot and not too cold but just right.
Nothing that I have heard touches Bruno Walter and Beethoven's 6th Symphony. Just spectacular performance and recording. I defy anybody to listen to it and disagree:)
(SS 6012)

Beethoven's 6th Symphony sound good even on a boombox so I am sure it must be sounding absolutely fantastic on the SACD. Must check it out.
