FedEx Shipping Damage

I recently shipped a component FedEx Ground that the buyer has reported to me as having been damaged during shipment. The item was carefully packed, double-boxed, and insured. I know that FedEx is going to do anything and everything to not honor the insurance. What are my roles and obligations and what are the roles and obligations of the buyer in dealing with this situation?
It's the shipper duty to start the claim so you should start the claim. They will send someone to verify the package. If the item can be repaired ask the buyer to get an estimate. I have used both U.P.S. and FedEx to ship speakers, they both damaged some of them but FedEx was easier to work with, got the payment for the damage in a few (3) weeks. You can also sign them a release form to have the payment sent directly to the buyer.

The key is to show them that the package was properly protected (double box, stryrofoam, etc.). One last word,
if you shipped a pair of speakers and one got damaged beyond repair they will just pay for the damaged one. Most
dents and scratches can be repaired by either the manufacturer or a shop that restores fine furniture. Electronics will have to get repaired by the manufacturer.
Hope this will help you.
Hello, I had a similar experience last summer when I shipped a pair of nearly new B&W 804 speakers and an HTM-2 Center speaker from Northern California to Amarillo, TX. All three items were in the original factory double boxes.

The three items were separated enroute. One 804 arrived in the morning - undamaged - and was signed for by a friend of the recipient. The other 804 and the HTM-2 arrived in the afternoon and were left with a neighbor; nobody signed for these. This 804 was damaged - external tweeter crushed, grille frame crushed, and the veneer damaged in several places - no damage to structure or midrange / bass drivers. The box looked like it had been dropped from several feet (at least) onto a top corner!

When I emailed Audiogon to find out what my responsibilities were, they told I had to pay for a return of the shipment, refund all of the buyer's money, including shipping, PayPal fees, and purchase price, and that I was to file the claim with FedEx. Depressing, severely. Essentially he was to be held harmless. When I offered this to the buyer (through clenched teeth) he told me he wanted to keep the speakers and file the claim himself. Whew!

He filed a claim for full replacement of the pair, which FedEx declined to pay. He shipped the damaged speaker to their claims adjustment center for assessment. When they returned it to him, it had sustained yet more damage!

Eventually, he was able to obtain payment from FedEx for a satisfactory repair performed at B&W's American Service Center. It took at least to months for FedEx to pay the claim. If I were cynical, I'd say they drag it out in the hope that you will give up.

I used FedEx because I thought their service was superior to UPS. Turns out, as you are no doubt finding out, they simply charge a little less, but can be just as careless.

In the end, this actually turned out OK, but it took a fair amount of perseverance.
Unfortunately this happend to me once. As you said Fedex did everything to avoid paying for the damage (double boxed, packed by fedex agent - Jetmail), etc...

right from the begining i talked to the guy who had purchased the item from me. In all fairness, I think it makes sense to pay half of the sum back to the buyer immediately if he wants to do that and take care of the rest accordingly after the matter is resolved.

Also, please make sure you take as many pictures as possible. Save the box, fillings, etc.

Good luck.
I wonder if it would help taking pictures when you turn the item over to the shipper?
If you can produce pictures of perfectly fine boxes being taken by their agent, with tracking number attached, what argument do they have?
FedEx ground is not FedEx Air at all. Ground is a separate company that FedEx Air purchased whole. The FedEx Ground is about as careless as UPS Ground.
Either way you take a risk shipping.