Feedback does not alway tell all

I meant to post this under 'Misc.' instead I put it under Music.
I'm sure a moderator will catch it, so here it is:

I'm starting this thread because recent exchanges here have demonstrated that I am not the only with these experiences. It might also serve as a warning to the initiated. I do not think that the problem as an easy fix, but I do feel it's important we are aware of it.

Heck, it's ultimately more of an annoyance than a danger. But most people here behave in a polite and honorable fashion, and have a sense of community very rare anywhere on the net, so anything we can do to encourage these positive attributes we must do.

The feedback system is very good, but it is no the tell-all. Feedback generally applies when a transaction completes, therefore the situations below would not be feedback-worthy. Besides, leaving negative feedback can always prompt a retaliatory tit-for-tat.

I've had sellers with 'good feedback' drop off the face of the earth, after we'd agreed (to asking price, mind you) and even to shipping costs. I've also had simple questions not answered (such as 'is it under warranty').

One time, I was interested in an item, exchanged emails, found out the fellow was local, discussed the gear I had. He then offered to drop by and demo it for me (he gave 'airs' of being a dealer or broker of some sort, based on AG info, and had many items listed).

I then informed him I had decided against the item, as I was going another route. I asked him what other lines of gear he specialized in. No answer, not another peep.

So, these fellows have excellent feedback here, but I will NEVER deal with them again. Period.

I now have a folder where I keep 'orphaned' emails from people I do not want to deal with. I look at that list when I'm interested in an item. If they are on there, well you know.

KP, nowhere did I say your experiences were unique. I consider them fairly common. That is the point I am making. In this case, for whatever reason the guy doesn't seem to want to do business with you, at least right now. And price or percieved value pretty much has to be discussed, because it is usually in the ad, thers is an idea of how much an item is going to be. And if it wasn't discussed, he might have well thought your were wasting his time, and just did'nt have the courage to tell you. I'm not saying this was a decent human being you were dealing with, I don't know who it was, but there are two sides to every deal that makes or doesn't make.
And no, I don't care for that blame the computer excuse either, but it does happen. I can tell you I am someone that does have buyers feedback on all the sites, I have over 200 on Ebay(, and I will tell you things happen fairly often. And a lot of times it is just easier for people to "drop it". Especially if they are slightly embarrassed for not being able to make a deal or changing their mind about a deal. And e mail gives them an easier chance of blowing a deal off. E mail is not instantaneous, I get tons of e mail that was sent the night before, stuff that should have reached me before I went bed at 1 am or so. Its all dated at 830,900pm, and sometimes its deals that I or the mailer lose out on because email is really pretty slow, even though its an electronically based medium. You have to talk if you answer a ringing phone or a knock on the door. I also consider it easier to find out if I am dealing with a flake or not in that phone conversation. Thats why again, I post it my ads when I am selling, and I will call(if I have the #) before I will email if someone is listing an item I am interested in
Most of these people have jobs, families and other concerns outside of audio and just because 1 person or 10 do something you don't like on a particular deal means they want to do it again. Each deal does and should stand on its own. I have an will always consider myself as good as the last one I make. lucishow, you must frequent audio market place for that wild wild west comment. That place is dangerous!
Welcome to web shopping. This is a spare time hobby to most folks; they are not in business. I think you expect too much. If you want service, go to an audio dealer and pay full price for new gear.
from what ive learned selling over the net and especially here and selling "high end" is that people who buy this stuff are finicky about stuff. No sale is a sale until I have money in my PayPal acct. I am not going to lose another sale trying to wait on a person who says they want "X" and then finds it isnt the proper shade of Black. It goes both ways, I placed and ad for an Audio Rack, it said it was "BlacK". I got 4 emails asking what colour the rack was. Is it curtious to email back? Sure, but it is also coutious to read before asking. I emailed back 3 of the 4, did they email me back they wanted it? Nope. I sold it to a person who knew what it was w/o question. Not, do you have a picture. This is a pet peave of mine, people get lazy and dont use the resource of the computer under their hands. Go to the makers web site and try to find specs and a pic 1st. I always do that before I ask a seller info about what they are selling.
I do not expect dealer-level service, but if we have emails agreeing to price and shipping costs, I would expect to hear back. Or at least have my subsequent emails returned.

I know there's not much to be done, and I know the pitfalls.

I felt the need to vent, so climbed on a soapbox and I've enjoyed venting.

For the record, I have not been scammed in any way, and the transcations I've complete have all been very smooth and cordial. This is just a 'manners' issue with me.

Had an experience where I purchased something from someone and wired the money overnight. It took 3 weeks for this guy to ship and that was after I leaned on him heavily. The leaning caused only great friction (The excuse was a "lack of packing material"...Hmmm). At any rate I had to get out the Ugly Stick so when my item was delivered on my door after 4 weeks since payment it was thrown into a box fill of popcorn...and that is all it had to protect it. BAD packaging. Fortunately nothing was damaged and I still use it often. Of course I couldn't leave any feedback as he had not left mine and was trying to make me out to be Mr. Nasty. Geez, get real.