Feedback on McIntosh Mc-402 amplifier

I have a pair of Aerials model 9's spaekers, Krell KRC-3 pre-amp, Adcom 5800 amplifier, Krell 300cd cd player, Rega planner 25 turntable with an Ear tube phono pre-ampa and MIT 750 speaker cables with matching interconnects. I'm looking to upgrade my amplifier (I bought the Adcom to use as a temp. amplifer) I have read the the Mac.has the control and bass of a high current ss amplifer but also the magic of tubes in the vocals. A high current ss that sounds like a tube amplifier is this true? I have owned a Audio Research vt100 mk 11 (an excellent amplifer) which had a great resolution and detail but the sound was a hair to the side of analyical. (no tube warth or "tube magic")
How is the Mac with resolution and detail? I quess I'm looking for an amplifer with a Krell like bass but with Conrad Johnson vocals and Audio Research resolution. Now I relize that this is probably impossible but how close does the McIntosh mc402 come to this?
My local audio salon has a mc-204 demo for sale. Do you folks think this amp will drive my speakers? I rotate between Thiel CS-6's, Acoustat Spectra 33's (big electrostatic speakers) and B&W 801's. I current use VTL 300 Deluxe Mono Blocks and I'm think about getting away from these wonderful and much loved ROOM HEATERS! It gets a little hot here is the Vegas area is the summer, LOL.
Did you mean MC-402? My "guess" is that being you love the VTL's, you'll be disappointed with the switch.
I must have had mild case of dyslexia this morning or not enough coffee. Brian, Yes i really love the sound of the amps. I tried Classe CAM 350 SS mono blocks last year for two months. They didn't give me the WOW. I go through this every spring before I get my first AC bill. I am going to do an in store audition to see if the "MC-402" is worth bring home for a trial with my gear.