Feedback system flawed?

Have you ever had a terrible experience with a member with a huge positive feedback rating? Have you ever read a feedback that is a lonely negative among many positives? Do you usually discount that lone negative feedback as a person with a chip on their shoulder? Thoughts and comment are appreciated.
Feedback can also be misleading. I have a neutral feedback from a guy in Canada who I purchased something from. He mentions unexpected customs duties and charges. It is funny because the way it reads you would think he paid the unexpected fees. Actually, I was the buyer and I paid the fees. He got his sale at his price, so I don't know what his problem was???
One more observation I've made concerning feedback. Be carful when people put numbers next to their names.This is slightly deceptive in that it implies that the number is their feedback rating. I am having problems with one such person as we speak.
I think some of it has to do with people making transactions
here and leaving no feedback,good or bad. I have sold stuff
here quite a few times about 2-3 years ago and no feedback
at all.
Sorry Glen, but I disagree. How the heck do YOU know what the number next to a user name represents? Do you really think everyone with a name/number deliberately decided to use it for fraudulent intent? I hope that your rediculous accusation doesn't dissuade any potential buyers from purchasing my equipment when I decide to sell on this site. Sounds like you should join up with Oliver Stone and invent a few more good conspiration theories. -david (born in '63)
Yea, so that means David99 doesn't have 36 more? What about Cateham1700. #s next to names. What should we complain about next? I wonder if Cornfedboy is a boy who eats nothing but corn? Does Swampwalker really walk in the swamp? Is Dekay decomposing or does he just have bad teeth? Whats a Trelja? Albertporter I can understand.