feedback wanted Reference 3A speakers???

Im giving a serious look into Dulcets which are a step below he Del Capo..anybody ?? Also, what power are you using to these speakers ??
Count me a believer. I have the latest De Capo model before they went to Nextel covering (sitting four post Sound Anchors). The entire line features tons of tweaks for the money, and the extension/air when combined with the solid bass is simply unbeatable as far as I can determine. Holographic, too. I have no idea why they sell so cheap here on the used market. Try them. Your risk of disappointment is VERY low.
Here is a review I wrote comparing the R3A MM deCapo i to the Fritz Carbon 7 in Audio Circle:

I was lucky to have the Carbon 7's on loan from Fritz for about 4 weeks recently. They replaced my Reference 3A MM deCapo-i's on the same 26" stands. Initially I had them hooked up to my 15WPC Cary 300B monoblocs but the Carbon 7's need much more power so I did the bulk of my listening with a very old Bryston 2B.

I must say that all the reviews of the Carbon 7 are spot on. Simply an amazing speaker with the right amp. Open, detailed, coherent from top to bottom, dynamic and just plain fun to listen to. They have a fullness of sound that is rare among small monitors where they often sound thin and compressed with wimpy bass. Many speaker companies try to impress potential buyers with in your face detail in the highs. The Carbon 7's have as much or more detail and micro dynamics as I have heard in other high end designs but it is presented naturally without that ear bleed that often follows after extended listening

The bass from these small speakers is really astonishing with usable lows in the low 30Hz range, I would guess. Soundstage depth, width and height is first rate with these speakers. They totally disappear 100% of the time and image specificity is as good as you will find. Performers had an "in the room" quality that was almost spooky.

It was a sad day when Fritz came over to take the carbon 7's back. Just for fun, we did some back and forth between the Reference 3A's and the Carbon 7's playing the same tracks. The Reference 3A's were up on AudioGon the next morning.

For $2K, the Carbon 7 is a steal! Especially true when you consider the build quality, top notch drivers from Scanspeak, unique crossover design, and hand made in Redondo Beach, CA. What's not to like?
I have installed the new Beryllium tweeters in my De Capos and will get some impressions posted when they're more broken in.