Fidelity Research FR64 Black Limited Edition

Hello, i have a Fidelity Research Black Limited edition tone arm which came on my Denon DP-80 turntable i bought quite some time ago.
Anyways i cannot find any information what so ever on this particular tonearm, anyone have one or seen one before?
I posted on another forum with no success.
I am thinking i have something that is very very rare and possibly a one of a kind.
I was told from the person i bought it from which got it from a millionaire's estate that the person was friends with the owner of Fidelity Research and traveled to Japan often.
Anyone see one or have one?
Thank you.
Just like to point out that this is not a FX version and it also is the silver wired version with the vta on the fly option.
Are you able to post a photo?
It is hard to imagine a black FR-64s as they are made of stainless steel and to get a black finish on stainless, it needed to be black chrome which was a fairly new process in the late 70s.
Powder coating was even later than this which is why the 64fx was black anodised aluminium I believe?
Ok that makes it clearer :^)
Tha fact that it calls it an FR-64 and not an FR-64S is significant I believe.
The 'S' postfix stands for 'Steel' in 'Stainless Steel' and without the 'S', I think it must be made of aluminium or titanium?
We need Dertonarm to confirm what this model is.
He is Mr. FR-60 :^)