Final Labs Music-6 amp or First Watt F1 amp?

Has anybody a/b these two amps? To be used with Fostex 200a speaker, about 98db. Thank you for any response.
Travelstead, what sort of design can achieve a F200A to become 98 db efficient? I thought that these drivers were 90 db at best, unless you have found a cabinet and the proprietary design to lift the sensitivity issue.

BTW, I own the Final Music 6 amplifier.
Hi Bemopti123. Nice to hear from you again. I purchased these speaker here on AudioGon from designer and builder Johnk. The cabinets are 50"H X 11"W X 22"D and 125lbs each.
My memory sure isn't what it once was. In a telephone conversation I think he told me they measured around 98db. My memory may be wrong. I always read your response with great interest and take notice of your great system. It was your review of the Music 6 amp that has sparked my interest in this amp. With the dollar going down in value, this amp is around $3300 with the battery packs. I'm always interested in what you have to say about your system. Thanks again for responding.
No, I those speakers are just about 91db maximum sensitivity. Regardless, the F-1 and the Final Music 6 amplifier are totally different in design. I am wild to guess, but it might be true that the Final Music 6 will be a great match for those speakers and drivers, if only drawback would be that they will require change of batteries more often....Mine with the Fostex 208 Sigma can go for a good 3 months, in your case, I think it will be about 1-2 months at most, but of course, it depends in what sort of listening habits you have. I have a pair of F200A seating in boxes and plan to get a pair of MTLM? Cabinets for them from Bob Brines and pair them with my newly acquired First Sound Paramount Hotrod MKII, the Final Music 6 and or the Assemblage 300B amplifier I have. The bottom will be relieved of duties to an Infinity Intermezzo sub. What sort of amp are you using with your cabs now?
Bemopti123 I'm useing the Fi 2A3 amps. 3 watts.
You are going to love the F200A speakers. Let me know when you get the cabinets for them. Are they about the same size as mine?