Finding reasonable Shipping for heavy, crated speakers to ship cross-country

Would any of you fellow Audiogoners give me advice in finding reasonable shipping rates for two crated speakers, 140 lbs each. UPS quoted $375 and FedEx online showed $310. I originally received them a dozen years ago for shipping cost of about $175 on a truck with a moving shipper with a bunch of other folks items of course.
FedEx ground gives HUGE discount on ones who open an account with them so instead of $310 you will get away with near half quoted online.

Another way is to accept bids from insured professional companies via which is I guess somewhat similar to piggybee
Thanks to all of you. Gosh I love Audiogoners, you guys are great!  Czarivey I'm going to head to FedEx and open an account and see what happens. Thanks. Erik