FM Reception question, please

I have a Pioneer TX 9500 II tuner and have it hooked up to that antenna that is a wire shaped like a "T". Reception is farly good but I thought that I could improve it with an indoor antenna designed specifically for FM. Needless to say, I bought the top of the line Terk amplified indoor antenna and found that my signal was roughly half as good as copared to the wire. I tried alternate positioning and different gain settings to no avail. What gives? Do I have to go to an outdoor antenna to get better reception? Thanks for your interest.
Go to Look at the FM Reflect. It should do what you want.
Good Luck
Two facts. When I worked in retail audio we sold Terk antennas. Because our store offered an unconditional return option, approximately half of the Terks came back.
I also contacted C.Crane but I bought the Fanfare whip antenna and mounted it on the peak of my roof. Reception strength doubled. Try it,
You can get excellent medium range reception from two modestly priced indoor antennas: the Magnum Dynalab ST-2 and the Fanfare FM-2G. They also will provide pretty good TV reception. Not a bad option if, like me, you mainly watch videotapes/DVDs and think cable contracts are ridiculous rip-offs. Both have the same "whip" design and retail for around $95. If you're patient, you'll find one on Audiogon.
I have a Magnum Dynalab MD-100 tuner. The Magnum Dynalab ST-2 and Fanfare FM2G are very similar. I tried the ST-2 indoors and outdoors (but not at a high elevation) and it was surprising ineffective. I stayed with my Magnum Dynalab Silver Ribbon, which is directional and brought in a stronger signal. I was very surprised at this result. I did not try the ST-2 on a high roof mount, where it should be more effective. So, if you are really committed to staying indoors, consider the Silver Ribbon. Its only $30.