For a boomy room, what panels will reduce mid-bass

My listening room must have standing waves, because at my listening position there is too much mid-bass. It sounds bloated and the bass is just too pronounced. What acoustic devices are VERY good at reducing this boomy bass in the room? Panels on the wall would be nice, but I need something very effective.
You don't need panels, you need ASC Tube Traps. Go to

Acoustical Sciences Corporation is the original and the best room treatment. They are most likely the most expensive too, but you get what you pay for.

I have been using ASC products for over 20 years and I am thoroughly satisfied.
Before getting panel or ASC tube traps, move your speakers away from the front wall and side wall. Toe in the speakers. It should help.
As mentioned earlier, placement of your speakers has a lot to do with it. Try putting the speakers 1/4 of the way into the room for each wall (for example, if your room is 10 by 12, put them at 2.5 by 3 away from the wall). If this dramatically reduces boominess, then you will know what to do.