FP screen , +$$$ = better pic - fact or fiction?

About to venture into my first front projection system. Most likely will be Sony VPL-VW60 (1080P). Will use approx. 100" fixed mount screen - in a basement room where controlling light is not an issue. Will use for movies and sporting events. Viewing distance is 14-18'.

Is there really a significant picture quality difference when going from paint-on screen, to $1,000. screen to $3,000.+ screen? With the cost of the Sony unit, WAF budget dictates a sub-$1,200 screen. Will that be a mistake? Open to suggestions/recommendations ...
SONY is good but check out new Optoma HD-80 1080p for under 3G. You can get a good screen in your budget and spend $400 on pro. calibration which will correct any color inperfections and brightness commpensation. It will give you a better bang for your money and a clouse to reference picture quality.
I would always buy the projector first, and then make any final screen decisions later.

Just paint the wall white (maybe it's already white?)...and shoot the picture on that while playing around with screen size, projector settings...ect. (cost?...around $20)

After a few movies you will have a clear idea on the direction you want to take regarding screens.

$1000 for a paint on screen? I honestly didn't think it possible to do that.

I built my own screen using screen fabric I purchased on ebay for ~$30. The lumber from home depot cost ~$15. I've been using it for 3 years now and have not been inclined to upgrade yet. I'm using a 720p projector though (see my system). My suggestion is go cheap now, worry about upgrade when you become dissatisfied, know what you want, and have the cash to buy it.
In general companies suggest 15-30% of Projector cost for screen budget, I am veiwing mine on plain old flat white wall till I get my screen mi=unted and it looks darn good.
I can share my impression of the screen by Sunday when it is installed......but its way budget....84in wide format for less then $200, but I am poor so its what I could afford.
Bdgregory - I think you missed the comma between the paint on and the $1,000 price point screen.

I'll try this question phrased a different way. Is there a clearly visable difference between these three:

1. paint on screen on flat, smooth drywall
2. A fixed mount screen in the "up to $1,200" price range
3. Top rated "Stewart" or other premium brand fixed mount in the $2-3,000. range.

I can afford to buy a Stewart but as with most things in the audio/video hobby, spending more money doesn't necessarily give you an audible or visable difference. Also, I have found that at 56 years old, I reach the point of diminshing returns quicker than I used to with 56 year old eyes and ears!

Can anyone (from personnal experience) recommend a sub-$1,200 fixed screen that I would never feel like I'd want to upgrade from (or do I hold out a couple more months and spend more). Thanks in advance for your help.