French CD players' sound ?

I've had a Micromega Stage 2 for a couple of years now and really like it sonically. So much so that I turned down an opportunity to replace it with a Theta Miles (unbalanced) because I didn't think the Miles was "better enough" in my system. However, mechanical reliability is getting to be an issue with this 6-year-old player. Does anyone out there have experience with the sonic signatures of other French offerings? Audio Refinement, Audio Meca, YBA.

For those who don't, but can't resist an appeal for a recommendation, I'm not necessarily looking for a neutral player. I like the warm, slightly soft (but clear) sound I get from the Micromega in my system. My room doesn't allow holographic imaging, although I have managed a decent "phantom center". The rest of the chain is Cary (pre), Threshold (power) and Apogee (speakers).
I own the Audiomeca Keops and find it absolutely stunning both in terms of sound and looks. I compared this to Cal Audio Icon MKII, Sony DVP 9000, and Wadia 23 and found it to be more musical and analog sounding than all of them.

It is probably as detailed as any player I've heard in its price range but it has more analog qualities than any of them. If you like a warm, smooth, relaxing, and involving sound (in short, if you like the sound of turntables), look no further. This is a wonderfully musical, rich, and involving player. If you are into analytical and forward, this is not for you.

It betters the Cal Audio in all aspects and, while not as dynamic and quick as the Wadia 23, it is much more liquid and non-fatiguing. Pair it with quick cables and you may never need to buy another CD player.
The Vecteur Players are very nice if you don't mind putting up with poor name recognition on reslale and spotty distrubution and support. They really are outstanding, nice integrateds to.
Everybody I have talked to wants the Audio Aero Capitole 24/196. I would also take a look at the Metronome products ie CD 2V.
I also have a Micromega (Stage 3) that I truly enjoyed until I had mechanical problems. My question is if anyone knows some place in the US that is still doing warranty work. I would like to get it working again (for free ideally or cheap) and at least give it to one of my daughters.
Rayhall- interesting comments/judgement on the Capitole, considering you have not heard it. I own it, and the bass is extremely satisfying, and of course, other system contributors will have an effect on this.

That being said, your friend is partially correct in that if we extrapolate that there ARE other CD players that may carve even tighter bass. I can attest to this, as my previous player (I feel world-class in its own right) had the best/tighest/biggest bass if ANY CDP- partially due no doubt to its incredible transport- the Sim Audio Eclipse. I sold it only because I was able to replace 3 boxes with one- Goodbye Eclipse; DCS Purcell upsampler; and ARC preamp, and hello Capitole- one box solution with analog volume control and a palpability to the vocals that beat the Eclipse.

All that being said, I would LOVE to compare the Eclipse (again, I feel probably one of the best transport sections around) with a top-level 24/192 upsampling outboard DAC, such as Mephisto II; A. Aero Prima; etc. Now THAT would be interesting...