fritz loudspeakers

anybody out there know anything about these guys?
If I recall correctly, throughout the 80's this speaker company was a serious alternative to some of the "big name" audiophile speakers. I personnaly think it is great to still see Fritz still doing business! He probably knows more than he is letting on about how to make a solid sounding speaker too, since in those days you really had to use your ears to make a great speaker as the drivers varied widely in quality and the measurement techniques and crossover calculations were not able to be done via computers as they are today.
I own a pair of Fritz speakers and I think they sound great. He builds the cablinets himself and his workmanship is excellent. Plus he's a great guy to deal with and goes out of his way to make sure you're happy. If you're in the right parts of California he'll even bring speakers to you so that you can demo them at home. How many other companys will come to your house and spend a few hours with you going over their products? Not many I would guess.

Just because he's a small fish don't discredit him. This guy eats, sleeps, and breaths speakers, and has been doing so since the 70's. Hopefully more people will give his speakers a chance.
in response to krellum7: 1. some of the best
stuff is made in garages and basements. every
one knows that. 2. even a cursory review of the
man's work would have revealed a VERY high rate
of customer satisfaction. 3. Have you ever heard
the speakers yourself, or are you just shooting
from the hip and flapping your lips? I suspect
the latter.

you are a disgrace to this forum and the audio
community. I hearby banish you to listening to
solidstate equipment till you draw your last
breath. Goodday, Mr. Krell7



Just curious about Fritzspeakers Full Range Fostex Single Driver speakers. I like the concept of a single speaker without a crossover, in a well designed cabinet, but to be honest I've never had the opportunty to listen to a pair, and was wondering what to expect sonically from such a design? If it's any help, taste in music is blues, bluegrass, and some classic rock (no metal), and I would be using a tube integrated amp (Jolida 502A).

Thought appreciated.
haven't heard fritz's speaks, but they seem similar in design to some tekton designs, i own a pair with fostex 167e's, very simple basic and for the money also very hard to beat, i think simple, cheap, and effective is how to suck more people into the hobby, it also promotes the smaller fry in the business. i love all of the innovation and higher end stuff but just can't swing that right now, but oh yeah i can listen to really beautiful sounding music, not that that matters much :- )