Funniest sales pitch

What is the funniest sales pitch you've read? My current favorite is one I just read today. It was,"I'm selling these speakers because they are too good for me."
Here comes a real one from the fresh add:

about 1 year old, excellent condition, havent used in over >8 months since selling everything else and getting a new hobby (BMW M3!) selling house and moving to apartment, so out of the hobby for good (though you never know?)
I saw an ad a while back that actually used the term "well endowed audiophile" for pushing some hyper-expensive (probably bobonium based) stuff.

Hey, I am well endowed and I have the Bobonium to prove it. (And, I did sell the expensive Sansuchi to my brother.)

And now, three big Bronx steers for “THE” Bobonium convention next month in the Big Ah! Pple (yes, the Swiss bought it, so what.)
"The only reason i am parting with these is that my beloved cat, Mollie, was diagnosed with cancer last week, and the vet bills deem this sale a necessity. "