Gain Question

I may not understand what is going on with my vinyl setup.

The chain goes as follows -

Ortofon Per Windfeld Cart .3 mv output
Herron VTPH-2 phono stage 66 db of gain
Cary SLP05 preamp 10 db of gain.

Sound is great but in order to be at a moderate listening volume, the volume nob on the Cary pre must be almost maxxed out. How can I fix this?
You don't "need" to run the MM into the MM input. You could try it into the MC as long as the phono stage has enough headroom. It would not be ideal since the MC input wouldn't have the capactive loading that the MM wants to see so not a permanent fix but an interesting experiment that can do no harm. As long as it doesn't clip, or maybe even if it does a little it would answer the question of whether or not you have enough gain prior to the amp. If you use the extra 20dB of the MC input AND it doesn't grossly clip AND that gives you the volume you are looking for then you would know the amp is capable as long as it gets a bigger input signal. If it is loud enough then you need to get the gain somewhere else. You're not going to find a phono stage with significantly more gain so that leaves a higher gain preamp if you want to keep the amp, or an amp with higher sensitivity, or a combination of the two.

Many preamps have gains over 20dB which looks to me to be the ultimate solution as long as 120 watts is enough to get the speakers where you want them, and I suspect it is. . You could also search the classifieds for a fair price on a preamp with 20+ dB of gain and try it. You can sell it if it is not the sound you want but that would also answer the gain question.
You know, as a fairly new audiofile enthusiaist, I have learned a valuable lesson here. Do your homework well before purchasing components that you think will match up in a system
Summed up very well Markus1299. Don't be hard on yourself though, we all learn as we go through this journey together. It's not the destination, but the journey itself which enthralls us. (I take it that means the Clearaudio Virtuoso didn't work out?).

If you go looking at another cartridge, you may find this thread helpful in understanding the difference between the two standards in which cartridge output is measured. Using this formula you can compare cartridge specs as apples to apples, instead of apples to oranges.


Unfortunately when I checked out the Clearaudio carefully, the stylus was bent so without a retip, don't think I can try this option. HOWEVER see my next post about another avenue I am considering
If phono preamp uses 12at7 type tubes replace with 12ax7 this will give you 40% more gain,I think it might solve low gain problem.