Getting close to giving up on CD's

I have a mid fi system ( B&W 803D, Rotel amps, Oppo 203 BD, Anthem processor). I set up a NAS drive with the intent to re rip my CD's to highest quality possible but when I purchased the Anthem AVM 60 and the newer Oppo  I tried ROON with hi rez files I had purchased from HD tracks along with a subscription to Tidal. It has been close to a year and I have only gone to my CD collection a few times. Roon plays directly through the Oppo flawlessly. Been pretty happy with quality of the streaming through the OPPO. At this point I am not sure I see a point to re-ripping my collection when I can get CD quality or better with the options above.

Things can only get better with a dedicated DAC, if I go that direction I am not sure I will even keep my CD's unless it is something rare or super obscure.    

IT depends what you play your CDs with. If you have a reference Marantz or an Esoteric player they will sound better than steaming/storage devices and almost equal to LP standards. My opinion, LPs are hard to beat if you have a top notch system to play them. And frankly, I like to look at my music sources. It is very satisfying. 
I currently use a Synology NAS, Ethernet connection, and use both an Oppo 105 and Bluesound Vault and Nodes around the house as server.  DACs are Mytek Manhatten and Bryston DAC3.  Sometimes it equals CD replay (using the Oppo as a transport for the DACs, but usually, it falls just a bit short.  I’ve decided to keep my CDs until I have to downsize and move, at which point I’ll keep a couple of hundred favorites and compromise with the rest by using the NAS.
Re: Jazz Groove. Thanks Alanblisset for the site. Great station. Better sound than Radio Paradise.Though Like them both
I love CD's. I actually ordered a new Accuphase player about 9 hours ago. I figure if some of these manufacturers like Accuphase and Esoteric are still investing big money in r&d of playback I'm still in. I've often read that the full potential of a CD is just barely tapped into and I think that's what these manufacturers are still trying to do. I'll still stream, download, rip and all that good stuff but at the end of the day I find myself loading CD's into my current player more often than anything else. I'll let you know how the Accuphase goes if anyone cares (I have an Accuphase integrated hence the CDP).


Looking forward in reading more about your Accuphase Integrated amp and cd player combo.  What other gear, including cabling, is in your system?  You can send me a PM if desired.

Happy Listening!