Getting The Most Out Of My Scout

Hi Folks:

For a variety of reasons I've decided, for now, to keep my VPI Scout and upgrade my cartridge from a Dynavector 20XM to a Dynavector XX2MKII. Before my cartridge arrives and I make the change I'd like to make sure I'm getting the most possible performance out of my Scout. I am aware of the following upgrades that are available through VPI:

300 RPM Motor (I have this already)
Super Platter and Bearing
HRX Mini Feet
JMW9T Arm (with Nordost wiring?)
Stainless Steel Clamp
SDS Speed Control

Are there any I am forgetting?

Here is my question: Which of the available upgrades will provide the biggest performance improvement? If anyone cares to rank order the upgrade options that would be great.

Final question: I am interested in using a better set up jig (better than the stock one from VPI) when I install the new Dyna XX2MKII. Which of those available allow the best cartridge alignment for this table? I've seen a few out there but cannot tell which would be the best to use.

Thanks for your help!


Isolation platform (Gingko)

Trans-fi Terminator Tonearm (better option than the VPI arm)
If you can get a Aries 1 platter with the cork/aluminum/acrylic sandwich it will give the biggest bang for the buck. You may not need anything else. The SDS is nice, but not as important as the platter.
MarkD51 said,

"make the Scout sound like a $44 plastic garrard table from the 70's."

Hyperbole is fine but this is a silly statement. :-)
A few years back, my entry level TT was the Scout. Out of the box, it was a little flat but after much tweeking the sound to my ears was great. I used the Mint tractor which really made a big difference and also the Cloud 10 isolation platform which took it up anothet level. After that, I went up the Ortofon cart line and found that the P Winfield cart absolutely opened this table up. I have since sold the Scout but still have the Cloud 10 isolation platform if you are interested

Good luck
The scout is a great TT.
Years back i had them on Ultra Symposium-makes a huge discernible difference.
The Mint LP protractor is also very good. The difference is the quiteness of the sound as well as the free flowing sense of musicality.
I would highly recommend the MINT LP as well.