Girlfriend's mom threw my Cardas out with trash

This weekend, my girlfriend's parents came to visit. In her mother's haste to "help out" around the house, she threw away my brand new Cardas interconnect, which I had not even unpacked yet.

Will someone please respond with some humor. I could use it right now...
She's a mom, ergo she is therefore entitled to invoke the; "It's all for the best, if you keep playing with such things, you'll probably trip over them and poke your eyes out.", anytime she pleases.
The obvious answer is to take it out in trade. However if you confess how much those cables really cost and the two of you get married, then you may have severely hobbled future purchases.
It's time for a new GF. It'd be afraid if you had a might get thrown out with the bath water.

She owes you the replacement cost of the IC's.