Gold Face Olympic Power = Canada

Sorry, fellow audiophiles in the great U.S.A. CANADA won the GOLD MEDAL in Men's Hockey...and in Women's hockey...leaving YOU GUYS 2nd best!

Wayne Gretzky for President!
I wish all hockey was played with that intensity. Great win for waiting 50 long years. Do you think the Canadians whined a little too much about the pairs skaters? Kind of tarnished the whole affair
Snook2 - the "whining" (and I thought it was justified especially if you watched their respective performances) was done by not only Canadians but by many Americans as well. Very much the topic on a number of US based news items and magazines with nothing but opinions on the Canucks being "robbed".

As for the intensity of the game - you are so right!
But didn't we win the CURLING competition? Another Manly sport cherished by the Canadians! Hey, who took my Broom!!!