Good, Affordable Horns?

I've often thought about adding a pair of horn loaded speakers, like say a pair of Klipsch La Scala, to my collection, but I've not heard enough horn loaded speakers to really know the differences, or what works and what doesn't. What are some good ones for under say $2K? What do these give up say compared to some of the larger and more expensive horn loaded speakers I've seen in AUdiogon user systems? The Jadis Eurythmie are one such pair I've seen that appear out of this world, but also must cost a small fortune.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xmapman
Marco is right older heritage line wayyyy better. I had owned a cheapened down Heresy II. I was ticked when I found out what Klipsch had done. No comparison to the older horn speakers. You want the ones with the Alnico (gray can) magnets. You also want the AA crossovers. I own a set of 1980 Lascalla's Alnico mid's but not high. They had already started to take out the Alnico magnet tweeters. Alnico had colbalt in it (hence the c in the word the rest is Aluminium and Nickel. There was a revolt in the African country and that was it. Klipsch never the same. They got rid of the good AA (and A networks) as well and put in cheap crossovers. On that note anyone ever use Mundorf caps silver in oil for Klipsch? (older horns)
These look very nice!
Anyone ever heard these "omni-horns" from Duevel?
Hi Mapman,

I have the Cain & Cain double horn IM-Bens, essentially two of those single-Bens stacked together upside down.(if that makes sense)

I have also listened to single Bens. Beautifully made, that's for sure. And the sound, with proper upstream components, is amazing.

But, once again, these are speakers ideally designed to be matched with tubes. Especially low-power(<24 wpc) single-ended triode(SET) amps. To get the best out of them, you'd have to be willing to use something other than your beloved Carver and MF.
I've heard several Cain & Cains (including single and double Bens) and several Duevels, but not sure I've heard the Jupiters. Both lines include very nice speakers, different in presentation obviously. I wouldn't recommend an omni for a 12 by 12 room unless they can be positioned well out into the room.

The Cain & Cains do indeed call for tubes; the Duevels not necessarily though come to think of it I've probably only heard them with push-pull tube amps.

In vintage speakers, my suggesion would be either the Altec Model 19 or the Model 14.
