Good Bass Recordings on CD for Subwoofer Testing

After reading Vade Forrester's excellent review of the Syzygy SLF870 Subwoofer in The Absolute Sound Issue 275 I've decided to try one.

My Magnepan 1.7i loudspeakers, even with a DWM Bass Panel, have always been a bit bass-shy. The SLF870 seemed like it might be a good addition. Amazon sells them, so I figured if it doesn't integrate well with the Magnepans I can always just return it.

The subwoofer arrives this coming Thursday. In the interim I'd like to find some good CD recordings for tests.

I'm looking for recommendations.

I listen primarily to classic rock and some classical, no jazz or hip-hop or metal though.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Here's my current system configuration:

Magnepan 1.7i Loudspeakers with one DWM Bass Panel
Audio Research SP14 | Audio Research 300.2
Rega Planar 3 w/ RB 330 | Ortofon 2M Blue
Rega Apollo CD | Cambridge CXN Network Player | CXC Transport
Rotel 870 AM/FM Stereo Tuner | Terk FM-50 Powered Antenna
Pioneer RT-1050 Reel-to-Reel | Nakamichi 600



Amazing Grace by Bela Fleck (Victor Wooten), actually anything by Bela Fleck, all very well recorded.
The film score to Gladiator, If I can remember the opening track.
I just picked up Bela Fleck’s Cosmic Hippo two hours ago at a thrift store. What are the odds?

Keb' Mo' Slow Down.  Good music with punchy bass drum and low bass guitar notes. 

Saint-Saens Symphony no. 3 (Organ).  The music is great  When the organ bass tones come at you, your hair will stand up on end.