Good power cord for Rotel?

I have a Rotel setup (RB-1080, RC-1070, RCD-1072), all new, and wanted to swap out the power cord for the amp, and perhaps the others as well, for something a little better. Don't want to break the bank. Any recommendations?
Anyone had any experience with the JPS Labs Digital AC power cord for CDs and digital sources? Any idea how it would compare to Signal Cable's Digital Reference?
I'm an owner of Rotel equipment, and have been in tweak heaven with power cords and interconnects. They CLEARLY DO make a difference...and the difference is not a minor one!

I'm not sure what your budget is, but I would recommend the following power cables for your Rotel equipment:
Silver Audio Powerburst 2
Harmonic Technology Pro AC11
Audience Powerchord (a bit pricier, but a beautiful sounding PC regardless)

The one power cord that did not mate well with the Rotel equipment in my opinion was the Synergistic Research AC Master Coupler....I found this power cord to be a bit glaring and emphasized the fact that Rotel equipment can be a bit on the brigher side.

Hope this helps!
Would someone please explain how 6 feet special of power cable is going to make your system sound better (assuming, of course , the standard cable is not broken)?

I'm just not seeing the logic here. There are countless miles of plain aluminum and hunderds of feet of copper wiring between the power station and the wall outlet. Now the last 6 feet somehow changes all that?
I presently use the Audience PowerChord with excellent results on my Integrated Amp and CD Player, but I do want to give mention to the Signal Cable Power Cords. I gave their Digital Power Cord a try and liked it very much especially for the price-point.

A good friend just upgraded his system to using the combo of the Signal Cable Digital Power Cable, The Signal Cable Power Cord for his Integrated, and last but not least, the Signal Cable Power Block. The results were a very nice improvement.

For the money, I really think they are hard to beat. Anyone looking for a quality PC at a truly affordable prie should consider these. A very nice product, all things considered.

To answer your question, I'm not sure how a six foot cable improves the sound, but it DOES! If you want to try a cable upgrade in your system, be warned.....Be prepared to change all the cables in your system! That's what happened to me. I love the resulting improvement in sound...but my pocketbook is feeling the pain!
