Good speakers for Pass Aleph 3?


I am looking for a good pair of speakers to go with my aleph 3. I have narrowed my selection down to a few, and would appreciate it if anyone has opinions on any of the speakers:

Dunlavy SC-1/AV
Dunlavy SC-2a
Audio Physics Spark III
Audio Physics Yara
Triangle Acoustics Titus
Triangle Acoustics Celinus
I have an Aleph 3 driving a pair of Silverline Sonatinas ( Avalon style) and they are a great match. Great amp, by the way!
I have a pair of Refernce 3a da Capos...I haven't heard them with the Aleph 3 but I think it would be an ideal match....I used to own Aleph 2s and am familiar with the series. I have recently acquired a pair of Living Voice Avatars. I also think these would be great with the Aleph 3. They are 94 dB, 6 ohms. Good bass down to 35 Hz or so. Most musical speaker I've heard. Both of these speakers have very stable impedance curves. I'd stay away from speakers that have an impedance that drops as it goes down. Look for minimum impedances well above 4 ohms - like 6 or 8 two cents...
The three I'd been oggling for an amp of that stature are offerings from Silverline, Soliloquy and Meadowlark. Haven't got anywhere as far as experimentation goes, though, just thoughts at this stage....
I used to own Soliloquy 5.0 speakers and was pleased with
their musicality for the size and price. They have a
model which is identical (I think it's the 2A3 or something)
but is higher efficiency for use with single ended triode amps and other low power amps.