Graham Phantom1, Kuzma Stogi Ref, Naim ARO

Hello Everyone, I am in the final rounds of selecting a tonearm upgrade for my Verdier/SME3012 combination. Somehow I am unable to make up my mind. I have drilled down to these arms as the final short list within my budget of $2k

Naim ARO (used)
Graham Phantom1 (used)
Kuzma Stogi Ref (used)
Rega RB1000 (new)
Fidelity Research FR64 (used)
Scheu Classic
EMT 929

The cartridge I will be using is a Dynavector Karat 17D3. I am not sure how people choose tonearms in general. My TT should be able to host any of these arms well. So it boils down to which tonearm can handle the Karat well I guess. I normally listen to all kinds of music with preference to classic rock so I like my music to be full and lively with good PRAT.

Would really appreciate some input here. I know I still have to buy blind but your inputs will help me big time in at least eliminating few of these from the list.
You might add the Helius Omega to that list. great arm at a good price. Or the Audiomods Rega conversion. Either will work well with the 17d3. I own both and a 17d2. An Sme 309 or IV would work too.
the other arms you mention will also work. I guess it comes down to what you can find in your price range.
Wheaton Triplanar
Graham Phantom
FR 64S

The reason the FR64 is not on top of my list is that I like the ease of adjustment offered by both the Triplanar and the Graham.