Greatest Rock Drummers

Given the subject line many names come to mind such as  Ginger Baker, Keith Moon, Phil Collins and Carl Palmer but, is Neil Peart the greatest rock drummer of all time?
Does Philip Selway from Radiohead fit into the group? he's a drummer's drummer. Just sayin. Watching from the Basement right now.
enjoy all :)
The Greatest?? Please explain?
As a guitarist, I can listen to Keef and Ronnie meandering and weaving between themselves on Beast of Burden.
Is this technically proficient playing? No
Is it difficult? No
Is it emotionally stirring? Yes (for me, anyway)
Steve Vai playing, well, just about anything, I would answer yes to all the above questions. (Mostly)
How about Johnny Ramone in comparison to Steve? Was he a blast to listen to? Yup! Comparable chops? Nope
Eddie Van Halen vs Malcolm Young? etc.. etc... etc.., and yet the same outcome.
Sorry folks, I'm a guitarist, so this is how I gauge the question. Not trying to hijack the thread.
Is Mike Portnoy a "Greater" drummer than Ringo? How can this question be answered? I just don't get it! If you are a Beatles fan, and also a Dream Theater fan, would you like to see them switch stools? I don't think so. It would not work, yet we enjoy listening to both approaches/styles, and come away with a pleasurable listening session.
Just my 2 cents FWIW
BTW, I really like Terry Bozzio's playing :)

Keith Carlock (Wayne Krantz) played with Steely Dan as did Peter Erskin, so both played Rock music. I think worth mentioning is David Kemper who I saw with the Jerry Garcia Band and he is as rock solid as they come. If I had a musically charged group, I would want David Kemper as my drummer. Additionally, I see that nobody has yet mentioned the superb technician Pierre Moerlen who played for Gong. I’m more of a Pierre Moerlen fan than other technicians i.e. Carl Palmer, Neil Peart,...