Guidelines for buying used speakers (as in, are there any?)


Can anyone offer up some suggestions or guidelines for buying used speakers?

Initially I thought 5 years old max, buy from original (and only) owner, half original retail.

But then ...

Found some nice Zu Omen Defs ($1350) but they've had 2 owners.

Also found some Vandersteen 2c signatures ($900 + $100 shipping) but they're 10 years old and, again, 2 owners.

So you can see my guidelines may be preventing me from getting very high quality speakers at a good price.

The Defs I can listen to and physically examine; the Vandersteens would be purchased online.

Thoughts and comments would be appreciated.
My standards/rules for purchasing used speakers are:

100% positive feedback ratings from the seller. 

"Local" seller where possible - although I've driven 250 miles to Massachusetts twice to pick up a pair of Ohm Walsh 2's and then a pair of Thiel CS3.5's...both worth the trip. I've driven to virtually all the boroughs in NY for others, including 3 different Maggies, Von Schweikert, Dynaudio, Totem...

Original owners. Unmodded in any way. 

In November of 2014 I picked up another pair of Thiel CS3.5's from an original owner in NJ. Now 30 years old they still sound wonderful. 

99.95 % of the members here truly care about their reputations like myself, so that rating truly matters. I have had one purchase go south here during the course of my tenure because the seller lists (and still does) one address yet ships from another - in a different state no less! 

A'gon members tend to take better care of their stuff in general, period. Buying here is a good course of action. 

Buying used speaker is very risky if you can't hear them in person.Good luck.

Zu Essence ... saw a set, good price very intrigued ... seller claims he's had a bad experience and doesn't want me coming to his house so I can audition them. Hmmmm

Perhaps you had no feedback on the site you were looking at and buying privately is very different than buying from a store. There are loads of crazy people out there so one must be cautious. It is too bad but......