H-CAT Model 12-P Preamp, Fact or Fiction??

Has anyone actually seen or heard this preamp? The two reviews I found of it raved that it is the best preamp ever SS or Tube...(500x resolution,....) sounds almost too good to be true.
Somebody out there must know something!

Here's the link to the (not so informative) homepage
Yes, sorry I forgot It has no balanced capability input or output. It has four inputs; all RCA and only one set of outputs.

Startling and immediate are the best adjectives. The top end with the precise imaging is very impressive as high hat shimmers and metal sounds like metal. The bass is most profound, seriously better than what I am accustomed to.

Yes, as I said I have never heard a ss amp that I can stand, but I am probably going to have to try one or a pair of Roger's, using one channel on the subwoofers. I have already ordered the phono stage.
Where or how do I get an H-CAT? I currently have a Belles 350A amp and assume the H-CAT will be compatible with it. However, I use a Shandling CD-T100 CD player and do not have a phono nor want to go there.

Do you think I would be pleased with this H-CAT without a phono?
hmmm... i heard the H-CAT preamp and their amp at Anna Logg's place when NJAS held its meeting over there...it didn't impress me or most of the other members i talked after...we all thought that the units were a little bit pricey for what they can do, and the theory on their webpage is a little bit of mambo-jumbo...why would one wanna buy audio gear that takes away the doppler effect found in every single instrument that plays in an orchestra or in a band?...just my opinion...the are better amps or preamps for the money out there...
Check out the new Absolute Sound. What you heard is not what is available now nor did you hear it under good circumstances.

I will soon have an H-Cat phono.