Halcyonics under my tt. Wow

I just put my third, too expensive but wonderful, Halcyonic active isolation base under my Shindo Labs tt and am just overwhelmed by what I am hearing. I doubt if I will sleep tonight having 50 LPs that I "must" hear.

The ambient detail and realism is just shocking.

It is one of the great tragedies of audio that this device cannot be made somewhere for under $2000; I think they would sell hundreds. I know I would have one for every componnent. Mine was used.
Nor I you, but at least now you don't think I am blithely ignoring room interactions. I think also that you grossly underestimate the Halcyonics for whatever reason.
I think also that you grossly underestimate the Halcyonics for whatever reason.
Tbg (System | Threads | Answers)
Not true at all.

However, seeing your room and the hard surfaces that surround your components, I cushion your revelations with the belief that you could reap significant benefits through substantially less expensive measures.

Were you to treat your room with basic acoustic treatments, perhaps with the guidance of a professional such as Rives Audio (no relation...just comes immediately to mind), I suspect you would reap stunning benefits from your more esoteric tweaks. That's the bottom line.

I suspect you are accustomed to, and enjoy, the live, "bouncy" sound of your room, and subsequent adjustments improve what you hear in the present paradigm. I also suspect that traditional acoustic treatments likely shift the paradigm to something that's unfamiliar, less bouncy, and less enjoyable to you.

Thus enters YMMV.
Bouncy, bouncy.......ahhhhhh,ohhhh that does it. ;)
Your are killing me Tvad.
Tbg....you must be pissed......right???????
Bouncy, as in the sound waves bounce off hard surfaces thus creating a very live sound, versus a room utilizing acoustic treatments resulting in a more controlled sound.

Just an observation. No hidden meaning or disrespect intended.