Hall of Shame

What is the worst, most overpriced, hyped, bad-sounding audiophile gear out there. Your bets please.
MIT Cables. I myself like the Eidolons, hate our local dealer (gary eats kitty litter).

Also as a general statement, those HUGE gazillion dollar/driver speakers that companies keep putting out as 'reference' models. Take one unused fridge (may substitute old battlestar galactica tv prop), black, silver or yellow(ces) paint, two dozen JBL whupssa COMPETITION car stereo drivers, charge up the screw gun and Presto! A $40,000 Reference speaker !

To my ears smaller two or three driver (oh sh*t I just realized my audio physics have FOUR drivers) designs have a more pure sound and are generally easier to listen to.
hello I may disappoint some people out there but I was totally not impressed whatsoever with any Krell equiptment I ever heard, also Wilson is way overpriced and overrated
I agree with the AnalysisPlus Oval 9 speaker and MIT cables. I would like to add the $85K Dynaudio Evidence speakers. I listened to these speakers in a private home for some time and it was one of the most dull lifeless image-less systems I have every heard. Perhaps it was the associated gear (about 100K worth of YBA electronics). I have heard some of the Dynaudio monitors sound quite good so this is not a Dynaudio bash, but the Evidence was just plain BAD!!! And I am still trying to figure out what would cost 85K in that speaker, it is 7 drivers/channel as I recollect. Insult to injury: Dynaudio now says yoou need their bass augmentation unit.

The Gammut/Enigma room at 12 K shamed the Pipedreams/Tenor room.The Pipedreams where not even in the top 3 at the show.
They where nice but at the price point they where a joke.