Hansen King V2 / TAD M1 / YG Studio Reference .

To those who have already heard his three 3 pairs of loudspeakers what would be your best choice and one you'll choose detailing the reason for this choice only for the MUSICALITY and build quality.
Here's loudspeakers: HANSEN King V2 / TAD M1 / YG Reference II Studio and top of the line Reference II.
To live with them in the great large room and the rest of the Audio equipment and more than up to its loudspeakers.

Infinitely thank you to everyone.
While I've never owned any of the three, I have heard all of them at several shows with different setups, and can pass along my opinions FWIW.

I for one do not like the TAD speakers, they are too forward and a touch bright to my ears, and frankly not to my aesthetic taste either. They just sound a bit harsh and thin to me, but YMMV.

The YG Studio Reference are WAY overpriced in my mind and are a bit flat and uninvolving to me, I wouldn't take them if you gave them to me (unless to sell for the $!)

The Hansen Kings are totally different than the other two on your list. they are warm, lush and smooth with excellent dynamics and would clearly be my choice of the three.

If you are looking to drop this kind of money on a speaker, you are going to need to go listen to them all and make up your mind yourself. FWIW a colleague of mine loves the TAD and finds the Hansen speakers boring, both of us didn't like the YG (and we've been together for every show!)....... So go listen, see what YOU think as after all, YOU will be the one who has to listen to them day in and day out!
Thanks Peterayer
Good question no answer.
I am looking for a hard to find I have owned in the last 20 years several loudspeakers today I'm still looking for a pair of loudspeakers not to change again. if you have any other suggestions they are welcome.
I've heard all three to a significant extent and with various electronics attached.

I would have to agree with KennyT. The TAD leaves me wanting. I really don't see anything special about this one.
The YG actually makes me want to leave the room. Literally. For the life of me I cant figure out what people find so awesome about this speaker. There is a hard edge to them that I find very fatiguing.

The Hansens, on the other hand, are very dynamic. They are very involving. And I can say without hesitation that they are one of only two speakers that has given me goosebumps when listening. Literally. (the other one doesnt exist anymore.)

At this price point you should definitely listen for yourself. But if you want to keep it simple. Find a pair of the Hansens to listen to. I highly doubt you will be disappointed.
It would be helpful to know at least something about your system, room and musical tastes. In the end, I recommend you make a short list and not buy anything at these big prices before auditioning the contenders in your own system. I have found the room/speaker interface should be the starting point/foundation of any successful system, so start there, then find the right amps and enjoy the hunt.

I doubt you will find anyone who has heard those three in the same system for a worthwhile comparison.