Harmony Remote Control

I was all set to pick up a Harmony 880 remote to simplify my HT system, but read a whole lot of negative reviews. Comments like cheap construction, faulty connection to the docking station and tiny buttons scared me away. For those of you who have this or another HT remote, can you share your experiences? Are these complaints nit picking or for real? Is there a remote out there that is better?
I've used remotes from Lexicon, Crestron, AMX, Pronto, Microsoft, and others and have found that I like the 880 the best. I dont like to have to look down at a remote to find the buttons such as with touch screen remotes. I can find all the buttons on the 880 by feel and have not had any problems with it. I also like the help button to get things back in sync on the occasional time when I change functions and don't point it in the general direction of the equipment. It only took me about 20 minutes to "program" it for the HT rig. I've owned it since it was first released and it's worked like a charm. In addition, the wife can actually use it too. She felt too intimidated by the touch screen remotes. I will concede that some of the buttons are kind of small, but I have small hands so it works out fine.
It only took me about 20 minutes to "program" it for the HT rig. I've owned it since it was first released and it's worked like a charm.

Please explain "program". Did you use a Macintosh or PC, or neither?
I used a PC to "program" it. When you first start the software (web based) it asks for a list of equipment. Then it asks which inputs on the pre/pro and TV that things are connected to. Also, it asks if you do video switching in the TV or on the pre/pro and which device controls the volume. It then goes to the Harmony web site and downloads the IR codes and sets everything up. I then tweaked the input switching timing and the order of activities and it was done. The software is also compatible with the Mac. BTW, I've programmed all the remotes I listed above and the Harmony is by far the easiest. It's so easy that all off the High-end shops in the area refuse to carry it because they can't make any money on selling the programming and there's not a lot of margin in it.
Tvad, Harmony uses a web-based programming protocol. You set up a passworded account on their site, use their database of codes, and save the configuration of your remote. The upside of this is that if your batteries cack, you can plug the Harmony remote into your computer, log on, and reload your commands from their site.