Has anyone heard avalons vs audio physic

indra vs avanti or avantera
I have to say I agree with Vic. Avalon was the first dynamic cone speaker for me that could make coherent sense of music. Before them I never thought I would be able to part with stats. In comparison with Avalon most other speakers sound so disjointed. My Eidolon Diamonds reproduce music as I hear it 'live' and I find this natural quality to be addictive. Good luck finding the speaker that you enjoy.
I only have experience with the Avantera having listened to it couple of times at a friend's place. Typical German quality - neutral, clean, detailed and dynamic. It hits hard and go low down the frequency spectrum. There isn't any disjoint between the side-firing woofers and midrange drivers on the front baffle as the transition between the bass and midrange is quite seamless. It seems as if there is no character to the Audio Physics, an absence of "house sound" that is inherent in most loudspeakers making each and every one of them distinct and unique.

I have not heard the Avalons but do know they are excellent speakers as well. At this sort of price range an audition will be necessary. When it comes to speaker selection, all bets are off as listening preferences, room and equipment matching come into play.
Despite all the inexperienced BS negativity people like to pile on switching amplifiers we've been enjoying the stunningly non-fatiguing presentation of a pair of NuForce V3SE's driving our Eidolons since we began with the version ones. I also have Ayre and MFA in the house.

I am getting a bit wound up about the Hypex nCores though.
I am also asking about the Avanteras; I've been listening for >6yrs to Avanti Vs and they are superb; as someone here said, they let the music through without much color and sound great in my listening room 23x13ft. SO I wonder if someone can tell me what great contribution to my sound will the Avanter's bring
I also heard the two speakers and I agree with Teajay and Ryder, but with the Nuforce amps I would go with the Indra. They are a more forgiving, a romantic sounding speaker as compared to any Audio Physic speaker, it's all about system matching. With the Audio Physic speaker, a little off and you are way off, just like tuning a Toyota versus a top fueled funny car.
Ehudgeller, early Avanti V's came with the first generation tweeter and different midrange and lower midrange drivers, the last version has the same drivers as the Avantera, I have heard both of these and are owned by 2 friends. There are 2 generations of the Avantera speaker, unfortunately I haven't heard any of them. A few months ago a friend of mine had listed on Audiogon the Cardeas speaker for about half the list price of the Avantera with no takers, that would be the speaker I would highly recommend.