Has anyone listen to the new wadia 381

how does it sound to other wadia stuff
Thank you for your thoughts on the 381, by chance have you given a listen to the Ayon CD-1 or 2? Just curious as to your thoughts on them if you have.

Hi Johngp, I haven't had the pleasure of auditioning the Ayon CD-1 (nor 2) but, now that I have the 381i, I am enjoying re-discovering my entire CD collection (about 800 in all) and won't be doing any more looking or audioning for quite a while. The 381 is unbelievable and is truly amazing in its presentation of music on Red Book CD. For me, I don't miss SACD at all - expecially as it was reproduced on my dCS kit; it just sounded the same as CD and was lifeless and 2-dimensional compared to the 381. Have a good life and do try out the 381. Best regards, John.
05-30-09: Chris10an
I have not heard it - yet. But the 381 is almost the same as a Red Book 581se, and this machine is _much_ better than the 861 model.
Can you substantiate your opinion with some evidence? Merely making an open-ended statement like this is useless on a forum where people are trying to learn the pros & cons of various hi-end gear & make an educated decision for their impending purchase.
Also when you write 861 model you mean the 861b, the 861 or the 861SE or all 3 models?? All them have to be stock, of course, since we are taking about the 381 stock.
When i posted this question i really wanted someone who has had a wadia 861 and now has the 381. If the 381 was better if so details.
from my experience as a 381 owner I recommend you make sure the unit has at least 400 hours before critical listening as this player undergoes a drastic transformation