Has anyone listened to the new Dave Matthews CD?

I got this today and it sounds pretty amazing. Nice tight bass and wide soundstage. And on top of all that its a solid album.
I would say that it is his best album since Crash. The last few seem to have been worse than the other. This is a very good change of direction for DMB.

You may also want to check out the new Ben Harper album. It is also better than his last few attempts.
Drewfidelity, I have the new ben harper and I agree, it is very good. I really want to see him in concert, since i have heard he is amazing live.
I'm a fan of D.M.'s music, even though I often times can't understand the meaning of the lyrics, but I find the recording levels way too pumped up.
So, has anyone compared the vinyl to the CD yet? Which one should I get?
