Have anyone replace VPI SSM belt with string?

Most heavy platter tables like Verdier or Micro Seiki use silk or string to drive the platter and reason is obvious. VPI SSM or HRX both have heavy fly wheel that motor has to drive. I can hear my VPI SSM belt noise when it is not perfectly clean and will wobble and shudder especially running at 45RPM. This is more obvious on the two small belts driving the flywheel which much more work than the long belt driving the platter.

Has anyone tried using string or dental floss to replace the belts on VPI tables? I know for SSM or HRX, making two identical length strings for the motors will be extremely difficult and that means different load for each motor. But is this idea feasible at all? Are there any downside to the string?
guess no one has tried. my VPI SSM is packed away at the moment so I can't try it myself.
Just thought I would give you a suggestion.
I had a VPI mk4 and found if I did not level the Sama Motor
at the exact same level of the TT I would also here the belt movement at 33 but even worse at 45. You can look at the tt as it spins and if the belt moves up & down at all level the motor till it stops.
I've experienced the up and down movement on the belt. Here's what I found out, and did to solve it.

- No change by levelling the motor, but it SHOULD probably be level anyway, so no loss in making it so.
- Take a toothpick and make sure the motor fly wheel doesn't have any caked on talc buildup. Mine did and this solved my problem for a while, initially.
- Make sure the platter edge is clean. VPI used to recommend cleaning the platter with Windex and a paper towel (but not with the belt spinning.

I recently did all these again when the problem resurfaced and it didn't work. I then boiled the belt for about 1 minute, re-talc'ed it and put it back on. Dead even now.
