Have speakers need new electronics

Hello! I am new to this so I hope I am going about this right. I have some new Revel F206 speakers. I am ready to buy electronics. I am thinking solid state integrated. I am curious of what would pair up well with these speakers. Budget of about 3000. Thank you. 
Steve gave an excellent recommendation, the PS Audio gear gets rave reviews (and measures well too). 

Discopete: I live in Medford; if you’re down this way in the near future, please stop by for a listen. My Thiel CS 2.4s drop to minimum 2.73 Ohms and stay below 4 Ohms for most of the frequency band. The PS Audio amps have no problem with that load.
 The new Kinki Audio Ex-M1 integrated will put out 400 w.p.c at 4 ohms, is well below your budget, is extremely well made, and sounds like it should be priced at two or three times its cost.