Headphones, or Speakers???

An audiophile typically portions a noteworthy sum for speakers. Not only will speakers, empty the wallet, their performance changes when auditioned in a different room. Therefore in home trials are a must, which are sometimes inconvenient in terms of time, and portability (speakers over 80 lbs). Is there an alternative? Sort of...

What about headphones? I recently auditioned the AKG K-1000, and Sennheiser HD600 and I was amazed! I never knew headphones could sound so quick, transparent, non-fatiguing, and provide a more than decent soundstage! In addition to that, I can listen any time without disturbing others.

Is the headphone a better alternative to the loudspeaker even when cost is not an issue?

My current “Headphone system”

Pioneer DV-47a~ DVD Universal
Krell KRC-3~ Preamplifier
Grado RA-1~ Headphone Amplifier
(2) Siltech SQ-88-G3 ~ Unbalanced Interconnects
Kimber KCAG~ Custom 12 foot cable headphone cable
Sennheiser HD600~ Headphone

By the way: any recommendations for a 20-amp power cord for the Krell KRC-3, and Krell KAV-250a?

What about the Sennheiser Orpheus ($11,000)? Has anyone auditioned that?

Best Regards,
I gave the Orpheus a listen at the Stereophile Hi-Fi show in NYC last May. To me they sounded terrific but certainly not $11,000 worth. I thought a retain price of $2000 or $3000 was more like it. One of the guys at HeadRoom, who hosted the demo, said he thought the HD-600 with quality amplification was just as good.
Headphones make me dizzy; imaging is 'fixed', not real 3d; besides they're too anti-social.

Many audiophiles (for whatever reason) simply do not like listening w/ headphones-- but I'm not one of them. I use Senn. 600s plugged into my SF L2SE preamp (w/headroom circuitry) as "backups" to my speaker system and at times when I can't listen with my speakers at acceptable SPL levels.

I also use Senn. 580s for HT duty when my wife can't stand the "noise" of action adventure movies. I plug them into a SF L1 pre-amp-- works great and maintains domestic tranquility. But go for BOTH headphones AND speakers if you can;>) Cheers. Craig
I hate headphones. I'm getting a fatigue in almost anyone. The most descent headphones for the price are Grado RS1 which I probably can get and listen to the music alone and nobody else(what a joy!)
Just received a pair of Sennheiser HD-600 from my wife as a birthday gift yesterday, it is still under break-in period. It is another project for me: headphone amp and replacement cord.........

The reason I got this gift is that I quite often listen to Mahler Symphony No. 2 after 12:00 a.m. (most of time I will repeat the last movement) which is "somehow" annoy to my lovely wife who is already on bed. I am sure this explains everything.

Back to the topic, for me, headphone is a nice alternative. But it is very difficult for headphones to generate the massive energy that some instruments, e.g. organ, bring you in orchestral music.

Happy Listening.
