Heeeelp New used BAT Vxi3 - Hisssssssss

ok, this cant be normal. I hooked up my new to me but used BAT. XLR from preamp to amp, but using singled ended from CD to Preamp.

I start it up and im getting a rather loud hiss. Volumn independent. It says constant and is the same on all inputs regardless if anything is hooked up or not.

Is this normal. It cant be!
Yeah, tubes warming up can be strange sounding. usually the recommendation is to mute the output for a few minutes at turn on.
It is normal.
And glad your initial problem was just bad tubes.
Agree with Jfrech - it's a tube (or tubes in the case of the other set). I just retubed my VK-3i with NOS tubes from Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio and it sounds wonderful. I got 4 Phillips platinum grade PCC88/7DJ8's for $35 each and 2 Pope 6V6GT's at $49 each.

I'm sure other reputable tube sellers are good too but Kevin has always been very helpful. - Dick
Im a little confused. Which part is normal, the ringing at startup or the crackling. Because the crackling can be easily heard in soft passages even after a half hour of play. That can't be normal can it.
The BAT mutes the output for 50 seconds at startup to avoid the problem Elizabeth mentions. The crackling is not normal. I get a slight hiss coming from the tubes but I can only hear it if I put my ear next to the tweeter. It's not volume-dependent, I can't hear it from my listening position and I certainly can't hear it over music.

You mention that the replacement tubes are nearly new. Do you know where the previous owner purchased them?

It sounds like it may only be one tube. You could identify it by swapping one pair of tubes at a time from left to right. When the noise moves, you've found your bad tube. The problem will be to find a matched tube as a replacement. I'd opt for replacing all of the tubes at once. That way you know exactly what you've got and how long they've been used. Everybody has a different idea of "expensive" but I just retubed for less than $250 and my last set from Kevin lasted well over 5 years. - Dick
The previous owner did send me a receipt which showed the testing data and where he got them from. But since I purchased used from him I'm not sure what I should do about contacting the seller of the tubes.