Help completing vinyl front end.

I have decided to take the plunge into vinyl. My current system consists of Sonic Frontiers T3/P3 digita;l, BAT VK50SE preamp; BAT VK500 Amp, Dynaudio Confidence 5 speakers. I recently inherited a VPI JMW10 tonearm and have just purchased an Aesthetix IO phono preamp. I'm leaning hevily toward a VPI TNT III turntabel and have no idea which cartridge. Any recommendations on cartridges or turntables that will blow away my digital would be appreciated. I'm looking to stay under $4k used for the remainder.
I have to second Cornfed, I've settled on a Basis table and am quite happy. Extremely well built, simple yet elegant and fabulous sonics. Something like the 2000 or 2001 would leave room for an outstanding cart choice and still allow you remain within your chosen budget limitations.
Thanks for all the recommendations. OK, so I'll stay away from used cartridges and I'll expand my budget to $4500. Rather than the VPI TNT, I'm going to keep an eye out for used Basis and Oracle V tables. Does anyone know whether the JMW 10 will fit on either of these tables or should I sell it now?
metaphysics, it mite be hard to find a used oracle mk-v, cuz they're relatively recent, but all the earlier wersions are fully updateable.

re: tonearms, that jmw is supposed to be an excellent arm - i'd keep it. can't imagine why it wouldn't fit on either of these 'tables ewe mention. i know i've heard of *both* 'tables, w/a myriad of arm combo's.

again, re: cartridges - here's a lone woice in the wilderness recommending a used/demo cartridge, especially from a dealer.

good luck, doug