Help I have not bought equipment since mid 80's

I am new to the hi-fi world. My old stereo was purchased in the mid 80's when I was young and poor, therefore Lo-Fi (it survived a divorce, the ex didn’t even want it). I listen to music most of the day, so I want to hear music that makes me feel alive. Recently I decided to purchase a new stereo. Talk about overwhelming, and what a strange trip it has been. Going to the local stereo dealers is like walking onto a used car lot. They raved about B&K, and I ended up purchasing a PT5 and 4420. This thing sounds terrible, or at least it is not what I am looking for. When I told the guys at the local stereo shop this they look at me like I lost my mind. They are difficult to work with, they would like it if I just walked in, made a purchase, went home, shut up, and accept the crap I’ve bought. Anyway, this is what I currently have:

Pre: PT5
Amp: Krell 2250 (owned less than 30 days and can still return it)
Interconnects: audioquest viper
CD: Krell 280cd (owned less than 30 days and can still return it)
Speakers: Energy Veritas 2.4
Speaker cables: audioquest double bi-wire CV-6

I like the Krell sound, but I am willing to check other brands. I am considering a Krell 2250, 280p, and a 280cd. Is it worth the extra money or would a used 250a, 250p, and 250cd be a better choice? Or perhaps a mix of the two? Or would some other line of Krell be a better choice? Another brand perhaps? Any advise for a novice?
1. Budget?
2. 2 channel or Home Theater(if so, what percent music vs movies)
3. Happy to buy used & demo to save 40-50%?
4. Where do you live...we can recommend dealers
5. Describe your sonic priorities

Lots of good advice here but here is where to start. Bring along your favorite music (a variety to listen to) and pick out a pair of speakers that you like first. Once you hear the pair you like then you can find out from other Agon members with the same speakers what amp to mate the speakers with. You DO NOT have to spend big bucks to get great sound, just system synergy. The Krell amp is very good for the used prices they go for but not for the $4K list price. Once you have the speakers and amp matched up, then focus on a source and then a preamp. There are some who will tell you that the preamp is critical for great sound and they are right but you need to hear what a good source will do first and then see what peramp will provide the best sonics and not reduce the sonics of the source.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for all the advise. The equipment I have now has either been bought as demo, used or basically a couple months old. I would prefer not to pay retail. So far this is what it looks like:

PT5 - demo $400
2250 - demo $2600 (new $4000)
280cd - demo $1900 (new ($3500)
Energy Veritas 2.4 (used a few months)(new $3600) and a new set of Monster Z200i XLR interconnects (new in package and seal not broken) - $1800
interconnects: Vipers - demo $100 a set
CV6 - used $200

About my budget, it depends. I have a wonderful caring wife who does not care what I buy. Lets just say, I need to feel like I am getting what I am paying for. I could spend perhaps $10,000 or so on these items (used or demo).
I do not know the terminology to describe the sound I want, but I want to ease back, listen, and feel totally into the music. I am not looking for a rough ride. I do not want to feel tense while listening. I would like to enjoy the music, and at the same time not be aware that it is there. For now I would likely keep the speakers, but I am open to a different Amp, Pre, and CD, if it would give me better results.

I am looking for a 2-channel system mainly. BUT, my wife saw the plasma TV's when I took her to the local stores one day, and now she says she wants one. So, I will likely be thinking of a home theater system to add with the 2-channel in the future.

I am totally in agreement on ditching the PT5. In response to the advise on just purchasing a simple system and checking it out for a few months, that is basically what I had in mind. I bought the PT5 and 4420, and have been using my old pioneer cd player so I could add gear to it and check it out. I figured I could either put the B&K in my bedroom, the garage, or sell it when I am done with it.

I have also taken the following gear home and auditioned it.

Parasound A23 and P3
Energy Veritas 2.3
Monster HTS 5100
KAV 500
Krell HTS7.1
Bigbluebarnacle, according to the author, many of the audiophiles said it "sounded pretty good for digital", and they said 99% of the public wouldn't be able to tell the difference. But, the author also said he listened to "Take Five" sourced from the iPod and the same tune sourced from vinyl, and he could definitely tell the vinyl playback was superior. Really interesting column if you can track down a copy of today's "WSJ".