Help me get started again. Tube amp...

I had a full on audio addiction up until about 10 years ago when my first child entered the world and my priorities changed.

Now as my kids are spending more time with their friends and in activities I find my time at home wishing I had a system to appreciate.

Luckily I still have some little Stirling Broadcast LS3/5a V2 tucked in a corner, a nice little passive preamp stored in a drawer and a sudden CD player that has been playing Disney music faithfully.

I need pair a tube amp and I may even get some Vinyl.

My first little tube amps (which I sold here and wish I still had them) were VTL tiny triodes (the late version) and then I had fun playing with all kinds of ST-70 circuits.  The VTL was better but rolling up my sleeves and redoing the ST-70s was great.

Since I have been out so long I have no clue what is what.  I could use some direction for a lower priced tube amp to get me started.

It was recommended to me to look for Audion 300B Silver Knight mono-blocks or Rogers E-20 or E-40 amps from Doug Stirling.  Finding these is perhaps not as easy in good working order and at a cost I like.

Any thoughts on how to best start up my addiction again?

They are more costly than I remembered them to be.  It has been a while since I last visited his web site. I guess if he wants one specifically with or without Rodger's hand wound transformers. 

Some of the other offerings seem affordable, if you can live with 25 watts or less  and like EL-84 power tubes.
The RAM Labs selected tubes were always very expensive.  I haven't used many and don't want to make blanket statements , but all tubes as they age can get noisy.

I really appreciate all of these thoughts guys.  I will be checking out all of these options.
Man I am pretty surprised that VTL stuff looks the same as it did almost 20 years ago :)

Should never have sold those little guys.
I sold my MR RM-200 in late 2014 for $2000. I can't imagine why the one mentioned above is half that, and hasn't sold!