Help me get the most out of my Merlin TSM MX

I have had these incredible monitors for over a year and I am still enamoured with there balance and refinement. I am going to sell off my second system that doesn't get used anymore and I want to put the funds into the Merlin system. I should have $1000 to spend.
My current system is as follows: Merlin TSM MX on Skylan stands,DIY parts express sub with Behringer feedback destroyer for room eq, speaker wire is Monster M-series CX2( Paul Speltz Anti-Cables on the way), Cayin A 50-T 35watt el34 integratedwith a Virtual Dynamics power cord, Harmonic Technology Truthlink ic,Macbook Pro,Apogee Duet Dac. I use this in conjunction with a HT setup so I can control the sub via Ht remote from the B&K AVR 202.
I am not sure which direction to go. Do I get the "e" upgrade done by Bobby? Do I replace the Cayin with another integrated in the $1700 range Or get into separates? There is nothing that I don't like about my current system. I just want to take it to the next level of performance. I am not interested in a cd player. These monitors are capable in reference systems and that is why I bought them to build my system around. I might move up to the VSM one day so I want my components to be in place if/when that day comes.
Thank you for your opinions!
hi ralph,
i have used the joule and atma otls at shows for 10 or 12 years now. swampwalker makes a number of points i would agree with comparing the two. the merlins have a benign impedance characteristic which makes them very friendly to any type of amp, really. my favorite are otls and certain lower powered transformer coupled class "a" amps. there is also a more powerful 100 watt stereo amp made locally that i think the world of too (cat). the speakers were definitely designed around more delicate tube amps and that is why i like to use otls at shows. their uncomplicated sound pulls on your heart strings.
i personally own the joules vzn 100 mk ivs, as many of you know.
Hi Bobby, I think you have been using OTLs longer than that- it was at least 10 years ago that we first showed with you (in that time, FWIW, we've made a lot of progress- the newer amps have a lot more authority and are smoother with more detail...). In fact, I think I first met Jud Barber in your room the first or second year that CES was at the Alexis Park. So that would have to be about 1994 or so. Time flies! So how did you first meet Jud? Just my guess, but I'm pretty certain it had something to do with hearing his amp on your speakers :)
ralph, yes i first showed with jud in 1994 when i premiered the vsm. it was in chicago. but it was not for a couple of years until he had his original marquis otls in vegas. so maybe 12 years or so. there was a few years with cat amps too, thrown in along the way. maybe...3 or 4 total.
you first heard his amp on the vsm in vegas at the alexis park. i remember when i met you. then we showed for a few years together too.
yes time flies.
I have had the pleasure of listening to the Atma gear at my local shop. It has always been out of my budget but maybe one day.
Bobby, once I do the upgrade how long is the break in period? Do you have any recommendations on the break in process?