Help me pick a monitor

I am moving into a smaller place and need to replace my Paradigm Studio 100s. I am a big fan of Paradigm, and am looking for an accurate monitor with punch (must be a monitor/bookshelf speaker I can put on a stand). My music taste favor acoustic guitar (I like a sweet mid-range) and some bass heavy stuff (Everthing But The Girl). I use an Anthem Amp 2 and a Sonic Frontiers Line 1. I can spend $2000 but less is better of course.

So far I am interested in:
1) Paradigm 40 v.3
2) Tyler Linbrook Ref Monitors
3) JM Lab Cobalt Monitors

Please give some advise, especially if you have experience with the ones I have mentioned.
I have no personal experience with them but the Green Mountain Europas seem to be attracting a lot of attention. Search archives for reviews and descriptions. They interest me because they sound like a spica TC-50 brought up to present.
Sean is dead a GMA Europa owner...they are a must audition...they retail for $ Roy at GMA on the directory on this site..
Well, I'm going through the same process right now and I'm leaning towards either Totem Model 1 Signatures or Von Schweikert VR 1's. If you could swing some Totem Mani 2's for that price range, they would be a great choice. I've read here that the Mani 2's need a lot of quality amplification to sound their best.

