Help needed for a skeptic!

I admit I am a cable skeptic and think spending $6k on a set of interconnects is loonie!
I have a set of YG Anat 3’s driven by Chord amps. I am using a Krell Foundation pre-amp. It is driven by a Chord DSX-1000. I have good hardware. I have been reluctant to spend too much on wire do to mu  meeter going off every time I look. I am using balanced interconnects. Mostly Straightwire. My question is what would those who post suggest for speaker wire. I do Bi-Amp my YG’s Right now I am using some Nordost flat cable knock offs. My sound is great but I think a little compressed for my equipment. If one were to try an upgrade on speaker wire under $1000 to bi-amp what are your suggestions?
Have you ever had a home audition of any cables? I submit that's the best way to overcome skepticism. Look into Clear Day cables and ask for a home trial.
Read my Tchernov cables thread. You might want to try Classic MK II, though I would suggest going higher.
There are plenty of less cost prohibitive cables on the market.
My first choice would be Audioquest.
For an even more budget conscience minded choice I would consider Zu Audio. They have lots of marked down cables on Ebay, and relatively priced cables on their website.