Help Needed - Music Only System


I was hoping to get some advice on a potential new set up. I have all my music (about a 50/50 split of Apple Lossless files with various quailty mp3s) stored on my MacBook Pro. My connection is this:

MacBook Pro (iTunes) --> Airport Express --> PS Audio Digital Link III DAC --> Onkyo 608 Receiver --> KEF 3500SE Surround Sound Speakers.

I'm VERY pleased with how the KEF's sound with TV and Movies. Especially for their size (I personally like the eggs too lol). However, for music, I feel that the speakers aren't strong enough to produce the sound I'm looking for.

Long story short, I'm looking for options if I buy new speakers that are dedicated for MUSIC ONLY. So I would have my TV/PS3 connected to my Onkyo Receiver/KEF speakers but have a SEPARATE connection from my MacBook Pro to my DAC and then the new speakers. What do I need between the DAC and my Amp? A preamp? I've never really understood the difference between amps, preamps, and receivers.

I think I've got the speakers picked out but I think I still need some type of amp or preamp.

Thoughts? Not looking to spend more than $1000 (not counting the new speakers of course) Thanks so much!!!
Perhaps you should explain that active speakers differ from conventional speakers in that they supply their own amplification.
The best speakers in the world will not clean-up the jitter from the AirPort Express. You are losing a lot of detail, soundstage, dynamics and depth with it, not to mention the distortion caused by the jitter.

I have many years of experience with the AE, AppleTV, Squeezebox, Duet, Touch, Sonos, Wadia 170 and others. I know what they sound like. I have modded them or added reclockers to all of them. I dont mod anymore BTW.

Consider a good reclocker in-line between the AE and the DAC. Then think about better speakers. Start with a good source first.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio