Help Viridian will a Denon 103 work in a Rega arm

I am using a vintage Denon 103D in my Micro Seiki MR-711 and would like to try a new 103 in my P3 or my Technics. Most likely the P3. I would appreciate guidance from anyone that has first hand experience using a current production 103 in a stock Rega arm. Transformer will be a Denon AU-320. Thanking all of you in advance for your guidance and continued support.
Rene, David and Milos, thanks so much. I had read about the cartridge working well with modded arms, but I will be flying stock for a while, so I was interested in the performance sans tweakage. David, I have always used the spacers, can I get in the ballpark on VTA this way, and if so, 2MM or 4MM? Finally, just to add a bit of consternation to our little party, what tracking force is everyone using? I really, really appreciate all of the guidance.
I have found the 103R to not be very interested in VTA. I tried it on an RB250, Graham 2.2 and Basis Vector. I varied VTA quite a bit (within reason) and just never really found much difference than having the cartridge level. So lack of VTA may not be a big deal. Mine seemed to be more interested in VTF.
Marty, I had to go back and look at my old notes because I no longer have a Rega-based arm in my home. My son has one but it is doing the "Jazz Goes to College" tour! :-)

Anyway, like Dan, the VTA was of less importance than VTF. We set the VTA just a cat's whisker below level in the back and my notes say the "best" VTF was at 1.83 using my cheap digital scale. This was based on a "standard" thickness LP and the VTA mentioned. SO, your mileage can, and most certainly will, vary but that should get you in the ballpark. Let me tell you, it is nice to have a cartridge that you don't have to adjust VTA too often with the Rega arms. I would imagine that those folks who like to adjust VTA for each and every LP thickness would sooner have the crabs than a Rega arm. I am not quite that obsessive about VTA, but I do like the ability to adjust for differences in cutting angles and thicknesses on my favorites and when doing VERY critical listening. Even at that level of finicky, I'd strongly suggest the Pete Riggle VTA adjuster.
Did you guys ever see the "DougDeacon VTF Adjustment Tool" for Rega's using TWL's HiFi mod? A.K.A, a heavy paper clip bent into an arch that spans above the bearings and attaches at both ends to the weights. Moving it back and forth would add or subtract from the VTF. I never tried it but several members reported good results.
Everything I have read so far implies the 103R bests the standard 103. I can purchase a new 103 for $116 less then the 103R. Have I been misinformed?